Showing posts with label Enochian Ordeals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enochian Ordeals. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Writing of Liber Nephilim


Many years ago, back in 1990, I started on a magical journey that led me to evoke the four chiefs of a body of fallen angels named the Nephilim by some, but who were known as the Beni Elohim, or Sons of God. They were a part of the angelic host known as the Watchers. How did that journey start out? Where did I get the idea that these angels even existed and were an important part of the occult and magical lore from antiquity, through the Middle Ages, to the Renaissance, Dr. John Dee, Enochian magic and to the 20th century Golden Dawn, Thelema and to the present century. There was no documented evidence to even support such an imagined connection and lineage. Did I make all of this up, and perhaps this is why many magicians, occultists and the scholars of the Enochian system of magic found my claims to be unsupportable and possibly irrelevant?

How it started was when I was in college studying Classical Hebrew, and someone turned me on to Genesis, chapter 6. I had not been much of a Bible scholar prior to my studies of the Hebrew Tenach, so I was unfamiliar with this odd chapter and what it signified. This was also the time when I was a member of the Alexandrian coven from hell in Milwaukee, and what I was studying in college was both inspired and echoed in the coven. That’s because this coven was a particularly high-magic group, which was engaged in developing the Golden Dawn material and scant grimoire magic that was available at the time. I found in the college library a copy of “A Dictionary of Angels” by Gustav Davidson, and that book gave me a list of the Nephilim angelic chiefs and pointed me to the apocryphal “Book of Enoch” where I began to study whatever had been written about these fallen angels. At the time, I had not yet determined either how to access them or if that was possible or even desired. They were a curiosity because I did not find these fallen angelic spirits listed in any of the grimoires that I had access to.

Some years later, I was studying the Enochian system of magic and had gotten a copy of Meric Causabon’s book that reproduced a number of John Dee’s diaries. While I had studied all of what was available on Enochian Magic at the time, most notably the books by Crowley and Mather’s Golden Dawn, there was little else available except the raw diaries themselves, which I now was able to study. One item that caught my attention was when Dee stated that he was seeking the wisdom of Enoch when engaging with Edward Kelly in their famous scrying sessions. This is why the system of magic that they uncovered in these sessions was called the Enochian system of magic.

However, since the Book of Enoch that I had studied linked that patriarch with the Nephilim, and that Enoch had acted as an intercessor between Yahweh and the Nephilim, I felt that there must be a connection of some kind between the Enochian system of magic and these fallen angels. While Dee never made such a connection, I saw it as a striking possibility. I also found where the whole process of the revelation of the Enochian system of magic was begun. It started in the early scrying sessions where Dee and Kelly conferred with same the four Archangels who were reputed to have imprisoned and sealed away the angels of the Nephilim, according to the Book of Enoch. That was an odd coincidence, and I sensed that if I invoked and approached these same four Archangels who had sealed the mysteries and magic of the Nephilim that perhaps they would allow me to access them and begin to retrieve what I believed was additional Enochian magical material.

Now many of those occultists and ceremonial magicians who were working the Enochian system of magic believed that the cannon of lore began and ended with Dee’s diaries. While Dee did engage in additional scrying sessions after the defection of Kelly, these sessions were a pale imitation of what had previously been produced. Thus, the period when Dee and Kelly were engaged in these scrying sessions represents the whole universe of Enochian lore. What occultists and magicians were doing was refining and perfecting what was already developed and written down by Dee, but not inventing or producing anything new. This fact was surprising to me since one would think that getting back in touch with the spirits that Dee had communicated with centuries ago would be something that anyone who sought to work this system would have done once they knew the lore sufficiently to perform an invocation.

So, my supposition was to embark on a whole new trajectory and therefore identify the Nephilim as the source of the Enochian system of magic, if indeed there was a connection. For some reason, I emotionally felt that this was an undeniable fact, and acting on it, I began a series of magical workings and ordeals starting in 1990 to seek that link between the Enochian system of magic and the Nephilim. Instead of researching the materials that existed or any other that might be in some unknown collection, library or museum, I decided to perform rituals invocations to get the information that I sought straight from the source. It does surprise me that no else has thought of doing this kind of operation, at least none that I have heard about. Since Dee and Kelly got their information from the spirits, why not invoke those same spirits and get them to reveal yet more new lore? Anyway, I suspect that my approach was quite unorthodox, since we must assume that no one can replicate when Dee and Kelly accomplished, or can we?

If you ask the spirits a pointed question, in most case they will give you an answer. However, if you don’t ask them a question, such as who were the Nephilim and how can I get in touch with them today, then I believe that the spirits will not give out that information voluntarily. It is part of the multiple layered mysteries surrounding some spirits, particularly those angels who fell to earth because of their love of mortal women, and by extension, humanity. I had to pointedly ask the question, and when I did only then was the mythic-based truth revealed to me. I got the four seals (to access the Nephilim) and the blessings of the four archangels that I invoked. They informed me that the angels known as the Nephilim were sequestered by their own will, and that the archangels only assisted them. That was intriguing to me, so when I specifically went through a process of evoking four of the chiefs of the Nephilim what I discovered completely surprised me and also inundated me with new lore. They told me in their own words that not only were they the secret authors of the Enochian system of magic, but there was far more material available that hadn’t been revealed to Dee and Kelly.

That’s not all that was revealed to me during those workings. I also discovered that the supposed mortal women that they fell to earth to mate with were actually the daughters of Lilith, who had their own powers and magical lore, and became the witches and demon queens of infamous Jewish folklore renown. What I had inadvertently stumbled across was a massive store of various kinds of metaphysical, magical, occult and witchcraft lore that was, for all extent and purposes, completely untapped. It was waiting for someone or some group of people to explore, develop and disseminate it to the world. The volume of lore was too great for me to independently derive and develop, but because I was so isolated in my pursuit and what I was working with was outside of the boundaries of known and expected lore, there were few to none for me to share this lore and the connections that they implied. I was the only one who actually worked with these spirits over the following decades, even though I made this lore and the associated rituals available to my brothers and sisters in the Order of the Gnostic Star. The chiefs of the Nephilim begged me to publish this ritual lore and the background mythology to the public in a book, but I either did not have the time nor the skills required to effectively take on such a writing project.

Now, after have written and published nine other books, and having the time, I assembled the relevant material that I had collected over the years and selected what I thought would be best to include in a book that contained both an introduction to my ideas, the mythology, rituals and experiences based on my diaries from the time. This new book that I will be publishing and should be out in October 2024 will likely become a major contribution to the practice and development of the Enochian system, or it may produce a whole new tradition based wholly on new material. Will those who purchase it build the rituals and perform the working to experience what I experienced over 30 years ago? Only time will tell how this book is received, and what effect it will have. Can it be used to change the foundation for working with the Enochian system magic? Should this new lore even be called Enochian anymore? This might be the inauguration of a new magical tradition, to be named after the Nephilim instead of Enoch.

I encourage my readers to purchase this book when it is released and then read it over to discover what I experienced years ago, and then decide what to do with this ritual lore. How shall you proceed? Do you take the sanctioned path or the unsanctioned path? Should you evoke the chiefs of the Nephilim and find out what they know, see if it matches what I have said it does regarding potential new magical and occult lore. That, of course, is the way to test my hypothesis, and I wait for the time when there are other magicians out there who have experienced what I experienced and who want to talk about the future of this path. I look forward to that day.

Frater Barrabbas

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Invocation of the Spirits of the Nephilim part 4

This is part four of a series of articles that will demonstrate the results that I encountered many years ago when I sought to invoke and contact the spirits of the Nephilim, namely the four greater chiefs of that body. I use the term Nephilim to describe the fallen angels of the Sons of God who came down to earth to mate with the “daughters of men” as well as their offspring, who were considered giants (men or women of renown). From these spirits I received a body of lore and a perspective on Enochian magick that is completely unprecedented. I would like to share with my readers some of the lore that I received from these entities and to demonstrate that the Nephilim are indeed highly important to the Enochian system of magick. I will follow up the third article with a fourth that will reveal the results of the invocation of Turiel.

Notes from the Invocation of Turiel

This invocation was mysterious as it was brief, since the manifestation of Turiel was very subtle and little verbal information was received. It was performed on November 28, 1992. However, the effect of the rite produced a number of bodily sensations (but none of them were uncomfortable) that precipitated a deep fugue state consisting of personal reflection and self insight. This invocation was experienced at a very deep internal level, and will produce more insights and ideas that will surface at undetermined intervals (weeks, months, or perhaps even years) after the initial working. The notes below represents the essence of what was communicated to me by the spirit. However, that communication was not verbal, but related in dreams, sensations and insights.

A Question of Balance and Magical Partnership

The true alignment to the gods, its mysteries and secrets, lay within the essence of the joining of a priestess and a priest. It can’t be discovered without first having a partner. Yet to you is given all of the hints and important elements, the ritual patterns and information necessary to reveal the secret knowledge. What mystery remains to be discovered is how to cultivate a suitable partner, and this, too, will be known in time.

An important question (and not to be omitted) is whether she will want to work the magickal and liturgical rites with you. Will she assist you in your spiritual and magical quest? During the times when the spirit of your magical genius is upon you, only those who agree to work these newly constructed rites will ultimately be relevant. The rest will all fall away as if they were illusions instead of real people. This represents a great test for any woman who would seek your favor. It is a challenge to be undertaken or discarded, and if it is undertaken, then it must be sustainable. A failure of either type (discarding a challenge or giving it up after a short duration) signifies an obvious unworthiness and incompatibility - with no blame to any parties. Know this, and more importantly, understand it. The times of great power shall conjure a partner (or not), yet beware of other times when distractions shall take you off of your spiritual and magical course. Don’t trust or believe in flattery or false promises, since these are motivated by delusion and fantasy. Only actions count in these situations, and observable long term commitments, the rest is just empty words. (Remember this lesson well in the future years, or you shall discover the bitterness and unhappiness of having a bad relationship with a woman.)

[This seemed to be a warning to me, but it actually had a greater subtlety than I realized. It really goes both ways, which is the importance of finding a committed partner and also giving her the space and respect for her to find her own voice in her role within the work. The fact that I was not able to secure such a relationship until many years later was perhaps a testament to the fact that I didn’t understand or fully realize this warning.]

Once these two conditions are met, then the third test is whether you will choose her, and thereby take the initiative. The time of establishing a working partner is thus established. The union must be both physical and spiritual in order to be fulfilling on all levels of your being. This is what you should seek for in your hunt for a mate, all other avenues are illusory.

Ritual Comments

The invocation of Turiel was begun during the hour of Jupiter, when the Moon was in the Sign of Aquarius, two days before the First Quarter, on Saturday, November 28, 1992. The rite began at 10:40 PM EST, and was completed at 1:48 AM, the next day. The exteriorization occurred (via the solar gate) at Tuesday evening, on December 1.

Frater Barrabbas

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Invocation of the Spirits of the Nephilim part 3

This is part three of a series of articles that will demonstrate the results that I encountered many years ago when I sought to invoke and contact the spirits of the Nephilim, namely the four greater chiefs of that body. I use the term Nephilim to describe the fallen angels of the Sons of God who came down to earth to mate with the “daughters of men” as well as their offspring, who were considered giants (men or women of renown). From these spirits I received a body of lore and a perspective on Enochian magick that is completely unprecedented. I would like to share with my readers some of the lore that I received from these entities and to demonstrate that the Nephilim are indeed highly important to the Enochian system of magick. I will follow up the first article with a second that will reveal the results of the invocation of Ramat’el.

If you are wondering what happened to the invocation of Shemiezez, which would have been the second invocation in this series, I have already posted the results of that working in a previous article. If you haven’t read it or need to refresh your memory, you can find it here.

Notes from the Invocation of Ramat’el

This invocation produced an enormous amount of data, some of it consisting of diagrams and pictures. It was performed on November 22, in the early morning hour of 12:45 AM EST during the planetary hour of Sol. There were no premonitions encountered during this rite, but there were feelings of peacefulness pervading throughout the temple. This working was very intense and experienced on a very deep level. Most of the information that was transmitted to me occurred in the days following the invocation, especially on the following Friday, November 27, just a day before the next invocation. The process of the invocation intruded on my waking thoughts and in my dreams from Sunday on through the week, culminating on Friday afternoon. (Friday was a holiday, since Thursday was the traditional day for Thanksgiving.)

Enochian Mystery Pattern and Other Lore

I heard voices talking to me, and I noted down everything that they said.

“The perenial philosophy is alive. The currents [of magick] are living currents. The [initiatory] lineages are actually egregoric entities in an occult neural network.”

“All systems are living systems [within consciousness], by definition. They are dynamic.”

I was then directed to take a deck of Tarot trumps and to shuffle it for a time, so as to completely radomize it. I then dealt out the cards in the order of the Cycle of Initiation, so that they were in four groups of 5 cards, 6 cards, 5 cards, and finally, 6 cards. This is the pattern that was revealed to me, and it said to be the Enochian Mystery Initiation Cycle.

Threshold Crossing - VII, XVII, X, XIX, XVIII

Ordeal - II, 0, XXI, XI, XIV, I

Vision - VIII, XV, III, VI, XII

Return - V, XIII, IV, XVI, XX, XI

[It will be necessary to perform a complete analysis of these trump card positions in order to determine the characteristics of the Enochian Initiation Cycle.]

Once the initiation cycle was noted down, the voices continued to instruct me.

All occult correspondences represent the archetypal values of the Cyber-PSI Network. Although the correspondences must be experienced through ritual.

A master ritual that formulates the pattern of correspondences that are chosen is known as a Mystikon (for it’s divination potential). It is a magickal machine consisting of a dynamically activated occult [meta]-system. A living occult system that is synthetically created is a magickal machine. The forces that it generates are considered a form of cyber psionics, and the form of the network is called the cyber-psionic matrix.

There are natural correspondences, and these are archetypal and formless symbolic qualities that are qualified through the power of mental association (allegory). Not all combinations produce a living correspondence. Some are unworkable because they are incongruent and don’t represent a unified expression. However, when natural correspondences are qualified in a deliberate and creative manner, then they are considered synthetic. When they are made alive (awakened and realized), then they are synthetic and living systems, hence, cyberpsionicism. Thus all magick, great and small, produces the cyberpsionic effect, but when the correspondences are artfully arranged and expressed through ritual, the resulting process is a magick computer, which is a form of cyberpsionic intelligence that has been synthesized.

[This section is obviously talking about the nature of magical machines and how they are assembled and used in ritual magick.]

Elements of the Basic Occult Systems (qualifiers and correspondences)

1. Four Elements and variations (based on multipliers of the base of four)
2. Seven Planets (based on multipliers of the base of seven)
3. Twelve Zodiacal Signs
4. Ten Sephiroth and Twenty-two Pathways
5. Trinity and Unity - 2 = 0 = 1 = 3 - Primary

From Chaos to Unity (indicated by a point) - archetypal symbolic world

[Primary Level]

Duality - circle   to Trinity - triangle

Quaternary - tetrad (cross / square) 

[Secondary Level]

10 Sephiroth   -  4 Elements    -  7 Planets   - 12 Zodiac

[Tertiary Level]

40 Worlds (4 x 10)  - 16 Elementals (4 x 4)  - 28 Lunar Mansions (7 x 4)  -
49 Bonarum (7 x 7)  - 36 Decans (12 x 3) - 72 Quinians (12 x 6)  -
22 Tarot Trumps (12 + 7 + 3)

These systems listed above are active in Astrology, Tarot, Qabalah, Geomancy, Alchemy, and Ritual Magick.

Undefined - Behind unity as the unmanifest is chaos, which is the recursive master pattern for all dynamic consciousness. This is symbolized by the serpent biting its own tail, and also the Möbius strip.

The zodiacal boundaries for the 36 decans are as follows:

0 - 9 degrees - Cardinal (initiating, creating)
10 - 19 degrees - Fixed (perseverance, conserving)
20 - 30 degrees - Mutable (dissolving, transforming)

A magical machine should consist of the following numeric systems - 4 - 7 - 10 - 12. These are the elements of the mystikon (the divinatory structures of the machine). They way this is to worked is through the use of many sided dice. The following is an example of the kinds of dice that would be used in a magical machine.

3 sets of 12 sided dice (zodiacal timing)

1 set of 20 sided dice (Qabalistic structures)
2 sets of 6 sided dice

2 sets of 4 sided dice (elemental energy)
2 sets of 8 sided dice 

A pendulum would be used in conjunction with a special table (or trigon) where a table of correspondences would be painted on it. The table of correspondences would be depicted as a square table consisting of ten by ten cells (for Sephiroth attributes), surrounded by a ring divided into twenty-two sections (for the Pathways).

The four dimensions of the machine setting would consist of a throw of the many sided dice to determine the zodiacal timing, the Qabalistic structure and the energy. This combination would indicate the potential destiny and mark it for manifestation.

Ritual of the Mystikon Pattern (20 point system)

The ritual pattern for the mystikon consists of qualifications of the following elements:

12 point outer circle
7 point or septagram structure with a gateway (4 Angles or Watchtowers and Western Gateway) as inner structure. (Uses 7 invocations of the sephiroth seven rays)

Unified expression: Invocation and key ceremony
Base is 4-fold formula repeated in three other systems (using Temurah cyphers to derive them).

Total of 19 points in the layered periphery - the central point is the 20th point.

The ritual structure consists of a seven-sided pyramid sitting within a double dodecahedron or dodecagon. The center has a gateway and a point of union (for the entire ritual pattern). This is the ritual pattern and structure for the mystikon, which is served by the four systems of divination listed above.

[These rather obscure notes were later used to write up the Mystikon of Lilith ritual working. Another ritual was to be written up for Enoch, but that has not yet occurred.]

Ritual Comments

The invocation of Ramat’el was begun during the hour of Sol, when the Moon was in the Sign of Libra, two days before New Moon, on Sunday, November 22, 1992. The rite began at 12:45 AM EST, and was completed at 5:15 AM. The exteriorization occurred (via the solar gate) on Wednesday evening, on November 25.

Frater Barrabbas

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Invocation of the Spirits of the Nephilim part 1


This is part one of a series of articles that will demonstrate the results that I encountered many years ago when I sought to invoke and contact the spirits of the Nephilim, namely the four greater chiefs of that body. I use the term Nephilim to describe the fallen angels of the Sons of God who came down to earth to mate with the “daughters of men” as well as their offspring, who were considered giants (men or women of renown). From these spirits I received a body of lore and a perspective on Enochian magick that is completely unprecedented. I would like to share with my readers some of the lore that I received from these entities and to demonstrate that the Nephilim are indeed highly important to the Enochian system of magick. I will first begin with Azazel, whose actual name spelling (according to the Dead Sea scrolls) is Azael.

Enochian Ordeal Workings

These series of ritual workings will attempt to reveal the secrets of the source of the Enochian Current of Magick. Because present research has revealed the importance of the Beni Elohim (as the Nephilim), the rituals of this working have rejoined these entities with the Enochian system of Magick.

The Nephilim represent the source of the Enochian system, but the alignments that Dr. John Dee established in his skrying sessions are not ignored. Particularly, the five Archangelic Intelligences who will act as the wardens and sponsors of this occult knowledge are an important link as well as the Primary Enochian Agent, Naluage. Also included are the Spirits of Light, and the Tablet of Planetary Intelligences, of which the Mercurial Daughter of Light known as Madimi is of special consideration.

A final point of consideration concerns the lineage of the Enoch (or Chenoch) as an initiated body of adepts who have mastered the methodology of Inner Plane workings. The actual techniques that they used have been lost, so they exist only as fragments in the Western Mystery Tradition. It is the primary goal of this working to reestablish these techniques and to reorganize them into a complete system of modern theurgy. 

Notes from the Invocation of Azazel

The Invocation of Azazel was performed using the same techniques as the Invocation of Shemiezez. (I will be covering that invocation in a future article.) The Gate of Revealing was the focus of the operation and the Invocation ritual was patterned from the Invocation of Chiramael (who is the archangel of the Order of the Gnostic Star).

The correspondences for the planetary characteristics of Azazel were discovered when the Enochian Mystery Vortex was initially performed, revealed as such by the hosts of the Nephilim. As in the Invocation of Shemiezez, the Invocation of Azazel was performed within the interior of the Enochian Mystery vortex.

In previous workings, it was revealed that Azazel was the Spiritual Warrior and Visionary of the Nephilim. However, it was also revealed that Azazel was the acting Priest and Devotee of the Great Goddess. So it seemed appropriate that Azazel should be consulted for questions concerning the methods of Sex Magick, Initiation of the Priestess of the Grail, the importance of the Grail as a symbol of the Feminine Spirit, and also the technique of assuming the clairvoyant trance through which the future destiny of an individual or a nation might be determined. These items were said to be the knowledge that Azazel possessed, representing the core of the Enochian Magickal lore.

The Invocation itself was not particularly remarkable, once again there wasn’t any visual imagery, but the personality of Azazel was quite tangible, and he nearly assumed a recognizable form. Whereas Shemiezez was very mysterious and subdued, Azazel was direct and eager to communicate. I could almost perceive a large well proportioned middle aged man with red hair and a full red beard, dressed in brilliant colored robes of purple and scarlet. I heard him bluster and even tell off-color jokes, none of which I remember, or if I did, wouldn’t want to repeat. However, he also showed a keen understanding of human nature and a deep compassion for the troubles of human existence. Azazel desired that all men and women seek and gain from life that which they most desired. He believed that no one should feel cheated by life, when life itself was so precious. A point that Azazel repeated several times is that people create their own destinies, whether or not they are consciously aware of it. He felt that all that was needed to find fulfillment in life was to become aware of this process of creating one’s own destiny and taking conscious control of it. This task, though, when completed could make a person into a kind of ascended master; such is the importance of mastering one's self so completely.

The Power of the Pleasure Trance

The most important information that Azazel related to me was something called the pleasure trance. The pleasure trance consists of a High Priest and High Priestess who assume the roles of the God and Goddess respectively, and who worship each other in a form of projected idolatry. This process forms the basis of the masculine and feminine Eidolons. An Eidolon is defined as a temporarily manifested incarnation of the Godhead. Prior to the assumption of the Deity, the Priest/ess performs whatever methods necessary to block the egoic identity and allow the Godform to manifest in an unbiased manner. This blocking of the ego is, according to Azazel, the basis for all Dionysian type magickal or mystical practices. What this means is that the basis of the Enochian system of magick is Dionysian. Ecstasy plays a key role in blocking of the ego.

[Polarity as expressed in this kind of working can be assumed to take other forms as well. For instance, if two men are performing this rite, then they would assume complimentary Godheads that would establish an analogous polarity between them similar to a heterosexual union. The same is also true in the case of two women performing this rite.]

The pleasure trance begins at this point of magickal worship and veneration of the Godhead where the couple proceed to sexually arouse and excite each other, each playing one of the sexual roles of the two deities with total objectivity. This moving and caressing, making slow passes over each other with the hands and the body is called the dance of life and death. Through it one feels the ebb and flow of the powers of procreation and ecstasy (Life and Death) and expresses them through the body. The pair of partners also consecrate each other with oil and do other things that enhance a sybaritic response, and these collectively bring on a powerful arousal. The Priestess then assumes the asana of the Sacred Altar, and they sexually join. This is done by first stimulating each others’ chakras, then physically joining while applying a bandha or lock upon their anal chakras. The power is drawn up from the base chakra through the genitals to the heart, where it is made vital and empathic. The Crown chakra is opened and the Throat chakra channels the power of the Absolute Spirit through spontaneous and poetic utterances. Then the two Hearts of Fire are joined to become an expression of the Union of the Absolute. The avatars of the God and Goddess are now drawn into union through the Unified Heart, where they fuse into at-one-ment. The resultant energy is intensified until orgasm results, at this point the gateway has been opened and the pleasure trance is established.

Once the Pleasure Trance is attained, the couple may perform one of two different operations, depending on whether the energy generated by orgasm is projected within or externally. If the energy is projected within one’s self, then a kind of vision trance results, allowing one to penetrate the threshold of the Inner Planes. If the energy is project outward, using a prana-yama technique of hyper ventilation, then it produces an external prophetic vision where the structure of a future space-time is revealed. The direction of the energy determines the type of manifestation, but the potency of the experience is always extremely intense. Although the God and Goddess represent different types of vital energy, when joined, these energies become unified, so the processes of Inner Planes Vision or Prophetic Vision are available.

The pleasure trance is used as a core practice within the two types of Archeomancy, these are the Archeomancy of the Four Qabbalistic Worlds and the Archeomancy of the Spiritual Qabbalah. When the pleasure trance is used in the practice of the Archeomancy of the Qabbalistic Worlds, then a kind of astral projection into the Inner Planes is produced. When the pleasure trance is used in the practice of Spiritual Archeomancy, then projected trance of prophetic vision reveals the mysterious influences of what is called the Body of God. This latter technique causes the power and grace of the Divine to impact and alter physical reality.

In addition to the above techniques, the spirit of Azazel imparted a considerable volume of information, much of which is still being realized. The Initiation Pattern of the Spiritual Warrior was revealed to me, and it awaits a future time when I will be write and document it. Also, the outlines for the Enochian Feminine mysteries were revealed and explained as well as the importance of the Priestess as the Matrix of the Avatars of the Mysteries. It was said that the symbol of the Avatar is the primary focus of the Enochian Mysteries, and that the Heart is the primary focus of the individual. The Avatar is the Heart of God, but the Grail Priestess is the creatrix of the Heart, therefore she is the origin of all Love and Unity as manifested within consciousness. The path of Ascendancy or Incarnation must therefore pass through the Gate of the Grail, the Creatrix of the Evolutionary Process, the Priestess who gives wisdom and power in her love and desire.

Yet the process by which a woman becomes a Grail Priestess is represented in three phases. The first phase is known as the Transference of the Grace, and consists of a powerful dedication or spiritual marriage where the candidate is purified, blessed by the Five Goddesses (or Gods), consecrated and then installed with a symbolic bond of union (usually a large gemstone ring that has been charged with a Talismantic Elemental). The second phase is called the Assumption, where the priestess invokes into manifestation the Five Goddesses, assuming the power and charisma of each one. The priestess then summons the Heart and the Womb Matrix of the Unified Feminine Spirit into her being and she produces the special sacrament, gives it to the God for a blessing, and partakes of it herself as the medium of transformation. The final phase is where the fully realized Grail Priestess performs the pleasure trance, thus giving and receiving of the transformation of the Unity of Being.

These items will all be documented in greater detail in the third book of the Sepher ha-Nephilim, which concerns itself with the Enochian Initiation Mysteries and Enochian Sex Magick.

Ritual Comments

The working was begun at 11:11 PM with the Consecration of the Circle during the Planetary hour of the Moon, thus locking it for the duration, on the Day of Venus, February 22nd, 1991. Luna was in the sign Gemini and one day following the First Quarter. There were no significant Astrological aspects. The working ended at 3:22 AM EST.

Frater Barrabbas

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Heptarchia Mystica and Septagramic Vortex Gate - Part 1

A dusting of snow now covers the ground this morning, indicating that winter is now officially here in the Midwest tundra. Winter began a few weeks early this season, and hopefully it will end early next spring. I am currently in the implementation phase of my work related project and it seems that there is still one major challenge to overcome before it’s finally completed. Instead of pivoting to other work I have found myself engaged in helping to resolve a number of final issues. It seems to be that this project that has no end, even though it will indeed hopefully end soon.

I am also contemplating undergoing cataract surgery later this week, and I am looking forward to having full use of both of my eyes. (I am not, however, looking forward to allowing my left eye to be cut, so it is a matter of personal stoicism to see it through.) At the present time, I can only read and see detail images with my right eye. The vision in my left eye is clouded and indistinct, and during the night, bright lights such as the headlights of on-coming cars produce a cloudy streaking glare that interferes with my night vision altogether. For the last three months I have avoided driving long distances during the night and that has certainly made me less available to friends and associated in the local community.

As all of these various minor details conspire to take my time away from me as the year dwindles down to nothing, I do have some cheerful things to look forward to beside having the full use of both of my eyes. I will be spending four weeks on vacation starting in the second week of December and lasting until after the first week of January. I am planning on traveling to Milwaukee to see friends and family and I also have a number of magical operations planned during that period as well. One operation that I have put to a date is where I will employ the seven newly generated metallic talismans that I had created in a spell that is used to open the threshold of the Inner Planes - I have referred to this ritual as the Septagramic Vortex Gate.

To illustrate how this ritual works, in regards to its function and purpose, I thought that I would write up some paragraphs that succinctly explain the nature of this ritual. I have taken the liberty of pulling text from the ritual itself and also from one of the unpublished “Books of the Nephilim.” I also wanted to share with my readers the magical journal that I wrote after I had performed this rite for the first time, back in January of 1992.

The Septagramic Vortex Gate ritual is used at the culmination of invoking seven spirits of the Heptarchia Mystica, also known as the Bonarum. I have already written an article that explains how I work with the 49 spirits from this Enochian magical system, contrasting it to the classical manner of planetary magic espoused by others. I look at these spirits as binary planetary spirits, since a matrix of seven by seven would naturally (in my opinion) combine two planets into a synthesis. You can find that article here, and I will also quote from it a useful definition of how I would define the spirits of the Bonarum.

“To me, a matrix of 49 spirits would obviously represent a symbolic table consisting of a base planet that is qualified by a second planet. In other words, I saw these spirits as a kind of binary planetary intelligence.”

I also perceive the seven planets of antiquity in a different manner than is traditional, seeing them also as a kind of seven rays, as associated with the planetary Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. Combining the attributes of the seven planets and the seven planetary Sephiroth as they are defined in the Qabalah produces a much more powerful definition of each of these domains. It is for this reason that I refer to them as the Seven Planetary Rays or Seven Rays. It is not my intention to conflate these Qabalistic elements with the Theosophical notion of the Seven Rays, since I am still working strictly within the Qabalah and I have not ventured into writings of Alice Bailey and others of that tradition. In other words, my nomeclature might be similar, but it represents a completely different factual basis.

My work with the Bonarum of the Heptarchia Mystica consisted of seven specific ordeals where I performed an invocation of one of these spirits for a period of seven consecutive weeks. I also chose one of the spirits to represent the base for each of the seven planets so that all seven of them would be represented through the overall ordeal. After the seven spirits are invoked over this period, a final working is performed to draw them all together into a septagram device, with the eighth spirit and ruler (Carmara) in the center. The whole reason for this combined working, which would take two months to complete, is to activate the seven rays and pull them into an independent matrix that represents all 49 of the Bonarum. My reasons for performing this long working was explained quite adroitly in my second Book of the Nephilim, and I should therefore just quote from it.

“These Seven Enochian Rays are revealed so the magician may comprehend and assimilate them into his or her consciousness. The Rays are made manifest through the invocation of each of the seven binary planetary intelligences. Their mysteries represent the core of the celestial consciousness of this specific current of magick. Each spirit invoked represents the complete archetypal mystery of one of the Seven Rays, so when the entire ordeal is completed, the seven-fold mystery (Heptarchia Mystica) is joined into union, unlocking the internal essence of the Enochian magickal current. The holistic mythic image established through the interlocking of the seven rays as expressed by the Heptarchate becomes the singular source of all that is comprehensible as Enochian, i.e., it becomes the meta- symbol of the Enochian System of Magick.”

Once these seven Bonarum have been invoked and fully experienced by the operator, then the final rite, called the Septagramic Vortex Gate, can be performed. The text that appears in the header of the rite give a succinct explanation of the purpose and function of this ritual, so let me just quote that and comment on it as necessary.

“The Septagrammic Vortex Gate ritual is utilized to invoke and direct the Spirit of Carmara, ruler of the Heptarchia Mystica. This ritual consists of two parts; the first invokes all the Zodiacal Elementals, and the second invokes all Planetary Intelligences. These two structures are brought into fusion through the Gate Trigon and the resulting combination generates the Spirit Heptarchate (which is the combination of all of the seven Planets with all of the 12 Zodiacal signs). The quality of the sentience of this Spirit differs from that of the Spirits Heptarchate in the same manner that the Absolute differs from all manifestation.

The Spirit of Carmara is the union of the 49 Good (Bonarum) Spirits, and thus it represents the Multifaceted Intellect of the Universal Mind. It is the supreme achievement for magicians in our Order to invoke this being, for thus they will experience a most profound spiritual reflection of their spiritual light. This ritual also functions as an initiation rite since the entity Carmara holds the secrets of all Inner Plane revelations, revealing them through its invocation. The Threshold Gate, which is a feature of this working, also functions as the entrance to the higher spiritual dimensions, and as such, it serves as the primary method that the Higher Adepti enter into those worlds.”

Since performing this rite many years ago, the combination of the seven spirits that I originally chose has been used in my rendition of the Septagramic Vortex Gate ritual ever since. In order to perform this rite, I have to retrieve the consecrated sigils from my Liber Spiritus folder and employ them at each strategic point of the rite, where the zodiacal pyramid of power is joined with the western aligned triangular gateway. My intention for this future working of this rite is to place the seven metallic planetary talismans at those strategic points and thereby greatly empower this rite far beyond what I had ever experienced previously. I will certainly write up my experience of this working in my magical journal and post an edited version for my readers to peruse once I have completed it. I will perform it during the orb of the next Full Moon, and the date that I have selected is November 25.

Finally, I wanted to share with my readers the magical journal that I wrote following the first time that I performed this working so many years ago. This edited journal was taken once again from the second Book of the Nephilim.

(To be continued...)

Frater Barrabbas

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ordeals of High Magick in Tallahassee

So what were those three ordeals that I was able to perform while living in Tallahassee? My home at that time was the perfect place to perform elaborate rituals that required multiple days to complete. I had no nosey or loud neighbors to contend with, and once I was sequestered in my apartment with the phone unplugged, I was free to perform rituals for hours, and I did. Every year, starting in late October and running through early March I would perform a major ordeal. The first ordeal was performed in the winter of 1990 - 1991 (First Enochian Ordeal), the second ordeal was broken into two parts: the winter of 1991 - 1992 (Heptarchia Mystica) was part one, and the second part was performed during the winter of 1992 - 1993 (Greater Enochian Ordeal). In the winter of 1993 - 1994, I performed the third and final ordeal, which was the Ordeal of Spiritual Archeomancy.

First Enochian Ordeal

Here are some quoted text taken from the Book of the Nephilim, part 1, which defines the specific nature of the first Enochian ordeal. This is an unpublished book from the Order’s lore that is still undergoing editing and refining. I thought that this text would explain the nature of the ordeal in greater detail than what I am able to relate off of the top of my head.

“The First Enochian Ordeal is divided into seven distinct tasks. The first four concern themselves with the Invocation of the Four Archangels [Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel]. Each Archangel has been mythically given a role in the act of sealing the Enochian Mysteries from the profane. They therefore act as Guardians as well as Guides to the information being sought. The justification for applying to the Archangels for this knowledge, besides the fact that one knows enough to ask, is the proof of the Deity's favor as established by the successful manifestation of the spirit through the ritualized activation of the Eneagrammic Gate. This sacred domain of the spirits serves as the key for allowing the whole process to proceed, without it, the petition for the wisdom of Enoch would fail.

[The Eneagrammic Gate is a ritual construct consisting of three different personal aspects of the Deity, three animated statues orientated to three different gate structures. The combination of the three gateways and godheads produces a potent personal spiritual domain through which the first ordeal is performed.]

Each Archangel that is invoked is asked to reveal the special knowledge through which the Nephilim may be directly contacted. There are four principle knowledge base tools through which this contact may be established, and these are:

  • Opening and Closing the Threshold Gate to the Inner Planes;
  • Revelation of the Mysteries of Shemiezez, his magick current of Ceremonial Archeomancy and his special cult;
  • Transformation pattern [initiations] of the Chenoch and the preparation that is done before the threshold of the Inner Planes;
  • Revelation of the Mysteries of Azazel, his magickal current of the Magician Warrior and his special cult.

The Archangels will facilitate the revelation and organization of these four knowledge base tools prior to contacting the Nephilim. The Archangels will also act as advisors and wardens for the celebrant, and thereby protect one from all potential harm.

The Fifth Task represents the invocation of the Archangel of Spirit (Ratziel) and through its sovereignty summon the Primary Agency of the Enochian current, Naluage. Also, the magick Tablet of the Mystery of the Seven Rays is charged with the Talismanic Elemental of Mercury of Fire, thus establishing the connection with the Spirits of Light who are called to assist the future tasks of the working. While the traditional Enochian system has the fifth archangel listed as Annael or Aniel (Glory of God), I have chosen Ratziel (Mystery of God), since that entity is more involved in the actual myth of Enoch, and Aniel is just another way of spelling Haniel, the archangel of the planet Venus. The fifth task is broken up into two ritual workings, the one that will invoke the talismanic elemental and charge the Tablet of Mystery, and the other one is for the invocation of the archangel Ratziel.

The Sixth and Seventh tasks are the Invocation of Spirits of Shemiezez and Azazel. In these actions the celebrant will use the Gate of Revealing to establish a full Invocation of their Spiritual Intelligences. Subsequent skying sessions will reveal more of the material of the Enochian System of Magick, which will assist in its full re-immersion. Also, the ritual of the Enochian Mystery Vortex is used to establish the foundation of the Enochian system of magick that uses the Nephilim as its source.”

In my opinion, the Nephilim represent the “Briatic” source of the Enochian system, but the alignments that Dr. John Dee established in his skrying sessions were also not ignored. Particularly, the five Archangelic Intelligences who acted as the wardens and sponsors of this occult knowledge and are an important link, as well as the Primary Enochian Agent, Naluage. Also included are the Spirits of Light, and the Tablet of Planetary Intelligences, of which the Mercurial Daughter of Light known as Madimi is of special consideration. This represents the complete repertoire of the first Enochian ordeal.

Heptarchia Mystica - Part One of the Second Ordeal

The first part of the second Enochian ordeal was a system of magick that could invoke and evoke one of the 49 Bonarum, or Good Spirits. I had previously determined that these spirits were actually binary planetary intelligences. As simple spirits consisting of two planets active within their combined intelligence, they represented a polarized planetary force that seemed much more like a psychic artifact or mental complex than any other type of planetary spirit.

You can easily imagine the kind of quality one of the spirits would possess if it consisted of the planets of Venus and the Sun. If the Sun were the base and Venus the qualifier, then one particular quality would be evident, and if Venus were the base and the Sun was the qualifier, then another quality would be evident. For instance, from the Heptarchia Mystica Concourse of Forces, the following qualities are associated with the two binary planetary intelligences of the Sun and Venus.

Sol/Venus  -  The sharing of esthetic values for beauty and culturally significant artistic expressions. Sun base represents the expression of the Arts, Venus base represents their enjoyment and critique.  (Bornogo, Bagnole)

Then there is this definition of the spirits of the Heptarchia Mystica, which I will quote here from the specific concourse of forces document in the Order’s library.

“The hierarchy of the Heptarchate consists of seven dignitaries under the leadership of one of the seven Principles. The stations of the dignitaries are represented by seven royal titles of the monarchical system of mediaeval Europe.

The first and highest is the King, followed by the Prince, the Duke, the Baron, the Count, the Earl and finally the Knight. The monarchical quality of the spirits of the Heptarchate was described partially by Dr. John Dee, and thus followed a natural progression upon which to build. Dee only described the first two positions of nobility within the Heptarchate, but it seemed reasonable to apply the rest as they are currently known.

[One of the assumptions of this system was that the planetary archetypes were also represented by the seven Sephiroth of the Tree of Life, from Yesod to Binah. If one were to unify this system, then the next higher sephirah would be selected, namely Chokmah.] 

The Principles ruled the Kings who ruled the rest of the nobles within the planetary dominion. However, there was also a ruler who joined the seven Principles to a single will, and that ruler represented the sephirah of Chokmah. The prime ruler was called Carmara, and it ruled the seven Kings and Princes Heptarchical. The spirit called Hagonel ruled the Sons and Daughters of the Spirits of Light (Talismantic Elementals), and the 42 Ministers who govern the powers of the Green Ray of consciousness. Correspondingly, the other six Principles also have 42 minsters who govern their associated Rays. The ministers appear in the form of a talismanic tablet that is a matrix of letters seven across by six down; thereby enclosing the names of the associated six Heptarchical Spirits.

The combination of the seven stations of nobility under direction of the seven Principles constitutes the matrix of 49 binary planetary intelligences. These spirits are the intelligences of the Heptarchate and emanate from the 7-fold spiritual archetypes. These seven archetypes are resolved in an eighth, which represents their union. These seven also represent the mediation between Atziluth and Assiah through the world of Yetzirah; and the product of this mediation is the spiritual hierarchy of the Sons and Daughters of the Spirits of Light, (7 × 4).”

An ordeal that could be used to fully engage this system of magick would consist of invoking seven of these Bonarum spirits, with the base being represented by the seven different planets (the qualifiers could be any of the seven planets). Thus all seven of the Heptarchate spirits would be summoned and fully experienced, each performed every weekend, for seven continuous weeks. The eighth and final working would consist of invoking the eighth spirit, Carmara, and to configure the already invoked Heptarchate spirits into a septagramic gate structure. The combination of all eight spirits would simultaneously produce the vortex structure that would completely reveal the holistic Enochian system of magick. I performed this working in 1992, and it was so successful that I am still seeking to digest all of the material which I was able to reveal. I hope to have a completed system written up sometime in the not too distant future.

Greater Enochian Ordeal - Part Two of the Second Ordeal

Since I had identified that the Nephilim were the spirits who had supplied the bulk of the Enochian wisdom and whose heretical teachings consisted of an entire system of magick, it became imperative that I invoke all four of the chiefs of these spirits. Therefore, I performed a long series of rituals to specifically invoke these demigods and their associated demi-goddesses, the daughters of Lilith. Since there were 20 chiefs of the Nephilim, and also 20 daughters of Lilith, I found that this was no coincidence. Therefore, I proceeded to invoke another two of these chiefs of the Nephilim (Turiel and Ramatael), and then invoked the spirits of Enoch, Lilith and finally, Seth.

A final point of consideration concerns the lineage of the Enoch (or Chenoch) as an initiated body of adepts who have mastered the methodology of Inner Plane workings. The actual techniques that they used have been lost, so they exist only as fragments in the Western Mystery Tradition. It is the primary goal of this working to reestablish these techniques and to reorganize them into a complete system of modern theurgy. 

From these entities I was given parts of a new system of magick. In fact, from the invocation of Lilith, I received a completely unique system of performing an invocation. Instead of building a custom invocation rite for each spirit, I instead was shown a way of performing an invocation through a matrix of symbolic correspondences. If I could find corresponding symbols and other occult qualifiers (including attributes of deities), then I could use those correspondences to perform a modular invocation rite.

This magickal technology was revealed to me from the invoked spirit of Lilith. From the spirits of the Nephilim, I was able to build up an Enochian Qabbalah and an integrated system that included specific godnames and archangels. It was a radical departure from the traditional Enochian system, and one that I am still working on today.

Ordeal of Spiritual Archeomancy

As if these two ordeals of Enochian magick weren’t enough to keep me occupied, I also received a completely new magickal technique from these workings. I called this technique “Spiritual Archeomancy,” and the advanced workings that this new methodology helped to explore literally blew me completely away when I later performed them. Not only was this an unprecedented magickal system, but it was also intelligible to others. I shared these workings with Trevor, and then later, with a few other members of the Order, and everyone who experienced them was profoundly impacted.

I had previously devised a system of Archeomancy that invoked through the matrix of the Qabbalah of the 40 Worlds, which is represented by the Tree of Life as projected through the Four Qabbalistic Worlds. The 40 cards of the Lesser Arcana of the Tarot (Naibs and Aces) could also be used to represent the matrix of spirits that could be invoked through this Inner Plane domain.

Through my workings I had discovered another new system of Archeomancy that was based on the Aethyrs and the geometry of the back side of the Tree of Life. In this methodology, the angles (vectors) of the triangular structures of the Tree of Life lattice (skeleton of the pathways without the ten Sephiroth) were directly attributable to the Aethyrs, and that there were 56 of these entities instead of just 30. This information had been imparted to me from the Nephilim, Lilith, Enoch and Seth through the various Enochian magickal invocation ordeals that I had previously performed. Since this methodology was not associated with any kind of traditional Enochian lore, it put me into a place of completely stepping outside of what Dr. Dee had written and presented in his diaries. I was, in a word, in completely undiscovered country.

Spiritual Archeomancy has its own special purpose, since it gives the operator complete access to the triangular dimensions found in the Tree of Life. If you count these triangles, there are a total of 18. However, two of the shapes (above or at the Abysmal gateway of Da’ath) are actually trapezoids, making this system asymmetrical and much more interesting. In an unpublished document that discussed the magickal system of Archeomancy, the functional parts of this new methodology were thoroughly discussed. I shall quote a few paragraphs here to more succinctly define this system of magick.

“The domains that are defined in Spiritual Archeomancy are based upon the triangular shapes that are found in the structure of the Tree of Life and are bounded by the twenty-two paths and ten Sephiroth. These triangular structures have not been named nor defined in the traditional Qabbalah. However, by the very nature of the discipline of the Qabbalah that states that all structures in the Tree of Life must be considered significant and in some manner, accounted for, we must seek to define them. The space surrounding the Tree of Life has been defined as the Three Negative Veils, and the reverse side of the paths and Sephiroth have been defined as the Qliphoth (shells). The triangular shapes between the paths and Sephiroth have not been defined, and I have discovered that they also have an important significance. According to traditional Qabbalists, there are two Qabbalahs, the revealed Qabbalistic lore that we possess in written and oral tradition, and there is an unwritten Qabbalah, which is called the Spiritual Qabbalah. I believe that the undocumented triangular shapes have something to do with this unknown and secret doctrine.

I propose that the key to the Spiritual Qabbalah is revealed in the definition and revelation of those domains consisting of triangular shapes found in the Tree of Life, and I have deemed to call these shapes the Qabbalistic Dimensions. There are eighteen Qabbalistic Dimensions in the Tree of Life, and two of these dimensions actually have a trapezoidal shape instead of a triangular shape. Thus compounding the mystery of these eighteen dimensions are two that defy the patterns of the other sixteen, and are therefore of even greater significance. Herein are great mysteries for the boldest and most imaginative of occultists into which to delve, discovering for themselves the key to the unwritten and apparently unknown Qabbalah.

The Qabbalistic Dimensions have as their qualifiers the paths and Sephiroth that reside on their boundaries. However, there is also another qualifier that consists of the vector or angle where two paths and a Sephirah are joined. If one counts all the angles that are found in the structure of the Tree of Life, then fifty-six will be counted and identified. These angular vectors of the paths represent a spiritual process active in the Tree of Life. I have chosen to associate these spiritual processes with  those mysterious Aethyrs that John Dee had listed in his Enochian magickal diaries. However, John Dee identified only thirty of these Aethyrs. Yet if one counts the angles from the bottom right dimension, then proceeding to the left dimension, and then crossing up to the next dimension on the right, and he/she continues counting in this manner until all thirty Aethyrs are so placed, then the approximate boundary of the Greater Abyss will be revealed.

Those additional twenty-six Aethyrs could be said to exist above the Abyss, and so would not have been visible to John Dee, since he did not realize the Qabbalistic implications of the Aehtyrs nor their place in the Tree of Life. And perhaps Edward Kelly was himself too awestruck to attempt to pierce the veil. Other magicians have used the thirty Aethyrs in their magickal workings, most notably Aleister Crowley, and have assumed that they spanned the Tree of Life in some fashion, where the final and the highest Aethyr was associated with the Supernal Triad above the Abyss. Because they believed this was the truth, their experiences were shaped by that truth. However, until now, no one has adequately placed the Aethyrs in the scheme of the Tree of Life, where they should be an integral part. The Aethyrs have found their place as the determining quality in the definition of the Qabbalistic Dimensions.

The Qabbalistic Dimensions are defined by a combination of path, Sephirah and Aethyr; they collectively represent the facets of the teleological process of the Deity and the destiny of its associated individual sentient souls. To unlock the mystery of a dimension is to reveal a part of the Divine Plan, and also the individual’s association with the fulfillment of that plan, however great or small.”

Beginning in the year 1993, I tested this newly derived system of magick, and the results were spectacular. Trevor and I both performed the working, which took the entire weekend to complete. The final results were mind blowing. Prior to that long weekend, I had also invoked each of the three Aethyrs that were associated with the lowest dimension, which incorporated the Sephiroth of Malkuth, Yesod and Hod, and their associated pathways. The resultant egress into the 18th and lowest dimension had far ranging effects, and in fact, I was still processing that experience a year after it was performed. In performing this magick, I had approached the Tree of Life as a veritable map of the Inner Planes, and had entered what would seem to be completely new spiritual universe.

Two years later I had managed to enter into the 17th Qabbalistic dimension and experience even greater revelations and empowerment. After another year, I then joined both dimensions into a fused Qabbalistic structure that revealed still more lore and a greater degree of empowerment. In all, these three workings represented a methodology and ritual technique that had no previous representation in any magickal tradition that I was aware of. It was a new system based on some very cutting edge Qabbalistic and Enochian speculation.

I have not performed any further workings, but I am planning on picking this operation up again in the future, and I will seek to gain entrance into the two trapezoidal shaped dimension situated just below the Supernal Triad. I have all of the materials that I need to perform these new workings, all I need is the time and the commitment. Other projects have intervened, but I am hoping to continue with this technique of Spiritual Archeomancy in the next few years. 

Once I had accomplished these three ordeals, it became obvious to me that I had gone far beyond what the functioning temple in Kansas City was able to either perform or even digest without my direct intervention. In 1991 the temple had split into two groups, with one group abrogating the work that I had set forth, and the remainder of the primary group continuing with the workings. This smaller group only managed to perform part of the first Enochian ordeal, and the rest of it was either beyond their abilities, resources or just wasn’t as relevant.

After a couple more years, the last functioning temple group had broken up, but my own work continued with renewed vigor and at an accelerated pace. I did share the Spiritual Archeomancy working a couple of years later with Frater Arjuna, but no one else in the Kansas City group was either interested or capable of engaging with this work. Knowing its importance, I have proceeded to refine and document this system of magick. Even so, the documentation is not yet complete, and there are piles of notes, diaries and other materials that await the time when I will draw them together into a completed series of books, which I have called the “Sepher ha-Nephilim.”

Anyway, I lived in Tallahassee for over four years, and then, as predicted by a few of the powerful spirits that I had conversed with, I was promoted and sent to Santa Fe, New Mexico by the company for whom I worked. The next important part of my life adventure had begun, and by the summer of 1994, I had relocated to that small strange town in the middle of the old west. But that is another tale which I will relate to you at another time. The time that I spent in Tallahassee was highly valuable, both from the standpoint of the occult, ritual magick and also my career. I had progressed to new levels in all these arenas. I had also avoided having to deal with the cold and snow of winter for a period of five years.

Even though I had traveled yearly for a while to Kansas City for the annual Heartland Pagan Festival, most of what I had worked to establish in that town was sadly diminished. So I looked forward to my new adventures in Santa Fe, even though that meant that I would have to endure the snow and ice of a mountainous western town, known for its enchanting vistas, unique architecture and Spanish Colonial and Pueblo Indian cultures.

Frater Barrabbas