Showing posts with label spirit-only model. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit-only model. Show all posts

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Why the Energy Model of Magic is Important


Since the grimoire-only crowd and their ritual tech has become quite popular, they have espoused a spirit-only model of magic. That approach has given short shrift to a perfectly acceptable, and I might add, useful model of magic, which is a major part of a number of different, albeit, modern systems of magic. While it is true that the learned and literate of the previous age believed that humanity lacked any kind of personal power to effect the world around them, we now know that this is no longer the case. Human beings have a greater potential to effect the world around them, and they also have an innate magical power or energy to be able to do so. These ideas about human energy have come from Eastern metaphysical traditions, but there is evidence that the philosophers of antiquity believed in the potential for humans to generate and project power or energy if suitably trained.

You might consider that whether one follows the spirit-only model or the energy model, the psychology model, or the stochastic chaos model, or the information model that it doesn’t really make much difference in the magic that is deployed. Additionally, most modern systems of magic employ more than one model simultaneously than only electing to use one model in isolation. Yet the question remains about why the energy model of magic is so important in the kinds of ritual tech that I employ? What do these techniques give to the magic that I perform?

First of all, the energy model of magic is tied to the breath and movement of the operator. The regulation of breath appears to alter the states of consciousness that one assumes, and movement brings to the ritual bodily projected energy, both thermal and bio-electric. These physical energy types are very minute, although the thermal energy of a crowd of people can be significant in an enclosed space. However, it is the altered state of consciousness combined with physical movement that makes magical energies perceptible to the magical operator. Add to that mixture of altered conscious mental state and bodily exertions the various occult symbology and tight ritual structures and you will get a potent output of energy that is tangible and perceptible. By itself, the energy model can promote an empowered will-base magical working that can and does have some limited success in bending the probabilities for an expected outcome. Combined with other models of magic and this methodology becomes a very potent and successful tool in adding magical power to working and making spirit workings assume a more tangible manifestation.

For instance, my ritual tech for projecting an elemental power toward a given objective uses the energy model to create a pentagram-based octagonal elemental vortex, along with invoking an elemental based spirit, sealed with a sigil symbolizing my objective. That combination of energy, spirit and information models of magic, with an implied psychology model (developing specific mind-states along with the spiritual intelligence of the Elemental Spirit) produces a ritual tech that can bend probabilities much readily than the energy model alone.

I also perform my workings under a godhead assumption and in alignment to my personal deity, thereby making the working into a form of theurgy. The octagon structure gives a structure to the generated energies, and the inward and outward spirals compress and release the imprinted energy field that is imprinted by the sigil and guided by the Elemental Spirit. This represents succinctly and all-model approach to performing a simple magical effect on an outward material condition. The more elaborate ritual tech that I employ uses even more complex ritual structures and layers them within the same working area of the eight-node magic circle. The greater energy concentration will produce materializations, especially if more exalted spirits are involved, such as Angels or Demons. In fact, combining these models into a single working makes it more effective and the objectives, whether material or spiritual,  more likely to be achieved.

As you can see, a multi-model magical approach that uses an advanced energy model of magic is much more effective and produces a greater range phenomena than if a magician were to adhere to just one single model, such as the spirit-only model used in traditional grimoire magic. I think that this single model approach to magic is very limited and far less effective. For the spirit-only model it relies on a mind-set and belief system that is more relevant to the 16th century than our post-modern times. This is particularly true for European and American systems of magic and the underlying modern metaphysics that is used in its foundation. The energy, psychological and informational models of magic are more modern by far, but they also have a historical provenance that spans other cultures and times.

What I have found is using the advanced energy model of magic in all of my ritual workings and ordeal makes these processes more intense, tangible and objective to co-workers. They manifest energies that can be felt and experienced even by those who have little experience with magic. A vortex used in a temple space, even when sealed, will continue to resonate on some level and be felt by others who might enter the temple where such magic has been performed. It gives greater emphasis to all magical operations and makes visual apprehension of the magic possible. I have trained myself to see the lines of force when they are drawn, including magical devices, gateways, pylons, vortices and energy compression spirals and energy exteriorization spirals. This allows me to perceive and experience the magical phenomena as it is being generated. I cannot conceive of a better way to gauge a magical operation than to have this ability to sense and perceive it, and the advanced energy model makes this all possible.

Want to know more about the advanced energy model in magic and how to employ it in your own magical workings? My book “Elemental Powers for Witches” is an excellent book that explains the energy model, its historical precedence, but more importantly, how to work this kind of magic and produce tangible results. It even discusses how to learn to see and sense this kind of magical power, and how it can be integrated into an evocation to make the spirit more perceptible and objective. I cannot recommend this book more emphatically then to state that the advanced energy ritual tech is what I have used in all of my advanced ritual workings. If you want to make such future books of mine such as “Liber Nephilim” and “Abramelin Lunar Ordeal” (available in 2024) accessible, then the book “Elemental Powers for Witches” is a critically important source to read and study.

Frater Barrabbas