Wednesday, December 21, 2022

 Enochian Binary Planetary Spirits and Invocation Rite Part 2

Here is my rare gift to those who read my blog, an actual ritual pattern that you can use. Consider this a Solstice gift from me to you. Just flesh out this ritual pattern and you will have a powerful ritual to invoke one of the 49 Bonarum. I have found these spirits to be profoundly useful and very insightful. Bright blessing to you this wonderful day, December 21, 2022.

Now that we have classified these 49 Bonarum spirits we can present the ritual for invoking one of them.

The Invocation of a binary planetary intelligence uses the same pattern as the invocation of the Talismanic Elemental, with some additional features. Instead of invoking the ruling planet of the lunar mansion, the operator would perform a double invocation of the planetary base and then the planetary qualifier. There is no charging vortex used, so instead the operator would set the zenith with a great rose ankh, set the four watchtowers with the lesser hexagram of union (earth) and then draw a rose ankh on the parchment sigil.

To invoke a binary planetary intelligence, the parchment sigil should contain the sigil of the function or purpose of the working, the sigil of the name of the spirit, as derived from the alphabet wheel (use the English wheel for Enochian spirit names), and the symbols of the two planets, the qualifier set above the base planet. When I make this composite symbol, it looks like a fraction with a line separating the base from the qualifier.

Invocation of the Binary Planetary Intelligence Spirit Ritual

Here is the ritual pattern for you to examine. This ritual is performed within a fully erected and charged magic circle.

1.    Take up the wand from the altar and proceed to the eastern watchtower. Facing the east, draw an invoking pentagram of the target element to the base, and above it, a lesser hexagram of the zodiacal quality. Join the two points together with a narrow invoking spiral, creating a pylon with the zodiacal sign.
2.    Proceed to the southern watchtower. Facing the south, draw an invoking pentagram of the target element to the base, and above it, a lesser hexagram of the zodiacal quality. Join the two points together with a narrow invoking spiral, creating a pylon with the zodiacal sign.
3.    Proceed to the western watchtower. Facing the west, draw an invoking pentagram of the target element to the base, and above it, a lesser hexagram of the zodiacal quality. Join the two points together with a narrow invoking spiral, creating a pylon with the zodiacal sign.
4.    Proceed to the northern watchtower. Facing the north, draw an invoking pentagram of the target element to the base, and above it, a lesser hexagram of the zodiacal quality. Join the two points together with a narrow invoking spiral, creating a pylon with the zodiacal sign.
5.    Proceed to the center of the circle. Facing the center, draw an invoking pentagram of the target element to the base, and above it, a lesser hexagram of the zodiacal quality. Join the two points together with a narrow invoking spiral, creating a pylon with the zodiacal sign.
6.    Return the wand to the altar and pick up the sword. Proceed to the eastern watchtower, and with the sword draw the pylon residing there to the pylon in the center of the circle at the zenith point.
7.     Proceed to the southern watchtower, and with the sword draw the pylon residing there to the pylon in the center of the circle at the zenith point.
8.    Proceed to the western watchtower, and with the sword draw the pylon residing there to the pylon in the center of the circle at the zenith point.
9.    Proceed to the northern watchtower, and with the sword draw the pylon residing there to the pylon in the center of the circle at the zenith point.
10.    Proceed to the eastern watchtower and draw a line on the floor from the east to south, then the south to the west, then the west to the north, and then a line to the east.
11.    Return the sword to the altar. Take up the staff and proceed to the eastern watchtower. Begin a circumambulation starting from the east and proceeding deosil around the circle with a spiral arc towards the center of the circle, passing the eastern watchtower three times and entering to the center of the circle. Place the staff before the center altar and imagine the energy field fully activated within the circle. Then return the staff to the altar and pick up the wand.
12.    Using the wand, proceed to the northern watchtower, and therein draw a rose ankh before it, projecting into it a deep violet color.
13.    Proceed to the western watchtower and draw a rose ankh before it, projecting into it a deep violet color.
14.    Proceed to the southern watchtower and draw a rose ankh before it, projecting into it a deep violet color.
15.    Proceed to the eastern watchtower and draw a rose ankh before it, projecting into it a deep violet color.
16.    Proceed to the center of the circle and draw a rose ankh to the nadir, projecting into it a deep violet color.
17.    Return the wand to the altar, take the sword and proceed to the northern watchtower. Using the sword, draw a line of force from the ankh in the watchtower to the ankh in the center of the circle at the nadir.
18.    Proceed to the western watchtower and using the sword draw a line of force from the watchtower to the center of the circle.
19.    Proceed to the southern watchtower and using the sword draw a line of force from the watchtower to the center of the circle.
20.    Proceed to the eastern watchtower and using the sword draw a line of force from the watchtower to the center of the circle.
21.    Return the sword to the altar, and pick up the wand. Proceed to the northern watchtower and starting from there, proceed to walk in around the circle widdershins, and slowly arc into the center of the circle, passing the northern watchtower three times, and holding the wand out to push the forces to the center of the circle. Once reaching the center, push the combined powers into the nadir. The invoking vortex is now set.
22.    Return the wand to the altar. Proceed to the eastern watchtower, face the west.
23.    Draw invoking spirals to the southeast, northeast and then the western watchtower – these positions are the Guide, Guardian and Ordeal respectively – address each when drawing the invoking spiral.
24.    Draw lines of force with the right hand, from the southeast angle, to the western watchtower, to the northeast angle, and then back again to the southeast angle. The gateway is established
25.    Proceed to walk slowly from the east to the west, and when arriving at the west, perform the pantomime of opening the veil or a curtain with a dramatic flourish. Step close into the western watchtower and turn to face the east, performing the descending wave of energy from above the head to the feet.
26.    Proceed to walk slowly from west to the east, imagining descending into a chamber – stop at the center of the circle where there is placed the central altar.
27.     Draw an inner circle around the central altar, starting in the north and proceeding widdershins around the circle until ending again at the north. Retrieve the wand and sigil from the altar and proceed to the central altar, standing on the western side. Place the sigil in the center of the septagram icon.
28.    Using the wand, draw the invoking pattern for the base planet on the septagram icon. Start at the point opposite the target planetary point and draw a line towards it, then continuing drawing following the lines of the septagram until you reach the point just before the target, then draw the last line projecting the energy of the wand to the action.  Then point the wand at the sigil, and then draw an invoking spiral on the septagram icon, centering on the sigil and exhaling the breath.
29.    Using the wand, draw the invoking pattern for the qualifier planet on the septagram icon. Start at the point opposite the target planetary point and draw a line towards it, then continuing drawing following the lines of the septagram until you reach the point just before the target, then draw the last line projecting the energy of the wand to the action.  Then point the wand at the sigil, and then draw an invoking spiral on the septagram icon, centering on the sigil and exhaling the breath.
30.    Draw three consecutive invoking spirals over the septagram icon, and then name the binary planetary spirit, touching the wand to the parchment sigil.  
31.    Standing at the central altar, facing the east, with the wand in hand, draw a great rose ankh in the zenith point. Project a deep violet color into the ankh.
32.    Then step one step away from the central altar, facing the southeast, with the wand draw a lesser hexagram of union (earth) to the southeastern angle. Draw a line of force with the wand from the hexagram to the sigil in the center of the septagram icon.
33.    Turn to face the southwest, with the wand draw a lesser hexagram of union (earth) to the southwestern angle. Draw a line of force with the wand from the hexagram to the sigil in the center of the septagram icon.
34.    Turn to face the northwest, with the wand draw a lesser hexagram of union (earth) to the northwestern angle. Draw a line of force with the wand from the hexagram to the sigil in the center of the septagram icon.
35.    Turn to face the northeast, with the wand draw a lesser hexagram of union (earth) to the northeastern angle. Draw a line of force with the wand from the hexagram to the sigil in the center of the septagram icon.
36.    Draw a rose ankh upon the sigil in the center of the septagram icon and project a deep violet color into it. Then draw a line of force from the ankh in the zenith down to the ankh on the sigil.
37.    Intone the prepared invocation of the binary planetary intelligence, and then call its name repeatedly, with a dramatic voice. Let the voice diminish in volume until it is just a whisper.
38.    Sit in meditation before the center altar and internally call to the binary planetary intelligence until a response is sensed. Use the imagination to help enhance the experience of that spirit.
39.    When the meditative communion with the spirit is completed, then stand before the septagram icon and take up the wand and draw a banishing spiral over it, and give the target spirit a warm farewell and thanks for visiting.
40.    Place the wand on the septagram icon, and then turn around and proceed to the west then turn again to fact the east.
41.    Draw invoking spirals to the northwest, southwest and then the eastern watchtower – these positions are the Guide, Guardian and Ordeal respectively – address each when drawing the invoking spiral.
42.    Draw lines of force with the right hand, from the northwest angle, to the eastern watchtower, to the southwest angle, and then back again to the northwest angle. The gateway is established
43.    Proceed to walk slowly from the west to the east, and when arriving at the east, perform the pantomime of opening the veil or a curtain with a dramatic flourish. Step close into the eastern watchtower and turn to face the west, performing the descending wave of energy from above the head to the feet.
44.    Proceed to walk slowly from east to the west, imagining ascending out of a chamber – stop at the center of the circle where there is placed the central altar.
45.    Take up the wand and proceed to the eastern watchtower and with the wand, draw therein a sealing spiral.
46.    Proceed to the southeastern angle and draw a sealing spiral.
47.    Proceed to the southern watchtower and draw a sealing spiral.
48.    Proceed to the southwestern angle and draw a sealing spiral.
49.    Proceed to the western watchtower and draw a sealing spiral.
50.    Proceed to the northwestern angle and draw a sealing spiral.
51.    Proceed to the northern watchtower and draw a sealing spiral.
52.    Proceed to the northeastern angle and draw a sealing spiral.  
53.    Return the wand to the altar. The vortex is sealed and the ritual is completed.

So, that is the ritual pattern for invoking the binary planetary intelligence also called the Bonarum. I have presented enough information in this appendix for you to be able to experiment with these spirits, and I invite you to do just that. I think that you will find them to be very powerful indeed.

Frater Barrabbas

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