Sunday, October 6, 2024

Dreams and Mysterious Teachings

A couple of nights ago I had a strange dream that occurred during the morning before waking for the day. This is not unusual for me because I have been a lucid dreamer since I was a child. However, only rarely do I receive creditable magical lore during that period of lucid dreaming, and that morning I got something really quite interesting given to me by sources unknown. This might also have to do with the interaction that I have had with Lee, my acquisition’s editor at Cross Crow Books, who has guided me to add non-gendered roles and attributes to older rituals that did not previously have such considerations. The idea of non-gendered energy fields may have come from that interaction.

I dreamt that I was with some local Witches and Pagans, and they were obviously complex gendered, and I wanted to help them perform magic in an outdoor grove. And one of them asked me, “Can you work with non-gendered energy, because that is what we will be seeking to generate?” I had to pause because I have been a proponent of magical energies gendered as archetypal masculine and feminine, which I referred to in my writings as creative and receptive. However, after a moment’s hesitation, I replied, “I think that I can do that”, and joined them in generating power in a grove compass round. I modified my approach and successfully emulated what they were doing and worked with them to generate a field of energy in the grove. Then I began to wake up, and I heard a voice in my head tell me, “This is how you would do this kind of activity using a ritual structure in your system of magic.”

Then as I awoke, I saw a ritual structure appear in my mind, and I was quite amazed how simple and obvious it was, and that I had never thought about using such a ritual structure in any of my workings. It was a new kind of hybrid vortex that uses invoking pentagram devices set to the four angles, but set in such a way that they canceled each other out, producing a kind of void or neutral energy field. Needless to say, I was quite intrigued and excited by this revelation. I guess you could accurately define me as being a kind of occult nerd or witchy dude who gets excited by a newly discovered ritual pattern. Sort of like a butterfly or coin collector encountering a wholly new specimen. Because I use a methodology that allows for many different kinds of combinations of devices and patterns structured within an eight-point magic circle, there are likely many variations that I have not attempted or even imagined.

So, the ritual pattern outline that I dreamed up with would look a lot like this example.

  1. Operator proceeds to the Southeast Angle and with the dagger, draws an obverse invoking pentagram of Air and projects into it a yellow energy.
  2. Operator proceeds to the Southwest Angle and draws an obverse invoking pentagram of Fire and projects into it a red energy.
  3. Operator proceeds to the Northwest Angle and draws an inverted invoking pentagram of Water and projects into it an indigo energy.
  4. Operator proceeds to the Northeast Angle and draws an inverted invoking pentagram of Earth and projects into it a dark green energy.
  5. Then the operator goes to the altar and replaces the dagger with the sword. They proceed to the Northeast Angle and draw a line of power from there to the center of the circle in the nadir. They proceed to Northwest Angle and do the same, then to the Southwest, and the Southeast, and do the same. Operator draws a Rose Ankh and projects it into the center of the circle. Operator returns to the altar and exchanges the sword for a staff.
  6. Finally, the operator proceeds to the Northeast Angle and begins to circumambulate a spiral into the center of the circle, starting in the outer periphery of the circle proceeding widdershins inwardly, passing the Northeastern Angle three times and then standing in the center of the circle, where they place the staff fully erected in the center. They project an energy field from the tip of the staff down into the nadir of the circle. The subject of a healing or spirit extract would also stand in the center of the circle and place their hands on the staff, and then sink to a seated position, still holding onto the staff. They would remain in this position until they felt relieved of their burden.

Ending the rite would consist of performing sealing spirals to the four angles and the center of the circle to seal up the rite. Once sealed, the rite would never be recalled to ensure the finality of the working.

The resultant energy field generated by the empowered vortex is pulled down into nadir, and the polarity of elemental energies cancels each other out, producing a non-gendered and non-spirit based magical power. If you think about the flow of energy in this ritual structure, then you can see that the energy polarizes and cancels out in the center and is drawn down into the singularity of the vortex at the nadir. This structure is similar to having four mirrors directed at each other across a circle of light with a drain in the bottom. It is the perfect description of a spirit trap, where unwanted energies, entities or internal psychic disruptions are extracted and grounded into the earth. One could place a piece of black obsidian or an onyx stone in the center of the circle to act as a crystal-based collector.

So what would a practitioner do with such a ritual device? It would have many functional uses, and some of these would be an exorcism chamber, an uncrossing device, a curse extractor and a powerful calming and restoring energy field. I call it a spirit bottle, since an entity that is possessing a human body would be forced to remain in the circle when that body moved through the vortex, and the spirit would be pulled down into the singularity and deposited into the collector. The collector could be a crystal, but it could also be bottle containing a liquid fluid energy condenser, such as what Bardon, in his books, has formulated. The contents of the bottle could be periodically pored into the earth and then buried, and then the liquid fluid energy condenser would be refreshed.

This is quite a powerful psychic healing ritual structure, but it could be integrated with other ritual structures and a spiritual theme to build a completed working. Still, a neutral energy field is not possible without using the polarities of the four elements combined, and spirit, as associated with the invoking pentagram has a creative and receptive quality to it, so it wouldn’t be neutral unless both were combined together.

However, spirit, undefined has no gender, and an undefined energy not associated with the four elements also would have no gender if it were conceptualized as such. The root mystery of a magical energy that has no gender defines the essential formlessness of emptiness, which is the ultimate transcendental quality of the ultimate causal condition, according to Buddhism.

Frater Barrabbas